Eghbal lahoori booth design

(awarded as first prize)
Spring 2017
Location: Mashhad – Iran
Area: 40m^2
competition for Research week

The contest was held under the title of the booth.

In the Persian language, the tree is the symbol of different things. One of the meanings of this symbol is science. Since the Eghbal Lahori Higher Education institute booth marks the university’s presentation of the research week at the International Exhibition, the idea was to use this sign as a science symbol and produce a space that is enclosed by the simplified trees (science symbol). Where the tree has a unique and beautiful form it has tried to use the tree in the same way and with a slight simplification as wall design. Glass has been used as a material with two purposes:

1- Communication of tree trunks
2- More space confinement

The partitions were based on the idea of the design, which attempted not to be superfluous.
Finally, the resulting dynamic space with a beautiful combination of light and shade has been obtained from Iranian science and literature.

research week in Mashhad (in 2017).
This project was awarded as first prize.

Designers: Amirmasoud Pendar – Kamyab Ghanfili
Softwares: Sketchup –Autocad – 3Ds Max – Vray – Photoshop

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